Monday, April 30, 2012

{Monday Update and Reflection}

First off, guess who is back?  My smiley guy seems to be back to his old self.  THANK GOODNESS!!  I needed him back...

I am thinking Ben just had an off day or it could have been some pain from his 'diaper' area.  He had a bit of skin growing back where he had his circumcision (I had no idea this could happen!) and we had to do a bit of pulling on Saturday night which irritated the area. It is fixed now, and we have been using some ointment to help with the healing so he seems a bit happier.  Who knows?!  It could all be coinsidence. 

Luke coughed all night and woke up worse than yesterday, so off we went to the pediatrician this morning.  Diagnosis...a very nasty cold.  She gave us some steroids to help with his cough since he has some signs of stridor.  So we will do that the next 3 nights and hopefully knock this out. But he stayed home today from school and spending a lot of time watching trains.  He is in heaven because we limit so much of his television time now.  I bet he loves being sick just to be able to watch Thomas!

Lastly, a certain baby decided to start sleeping on his tummy last night.  At first, it wasn't working so well.  This is Ben squirming, crying his head off and trying to flip back over.  Which he couldn't ever quite do...

But he ended up getting the hang of it... 

He still woke up 4 times -- 11:30 pm, 1:30 am, 4:00 am, 5:45 am.  But he put himself back to sleep at 4:00.  I watched him on the monitor fuss and squirm, but after about 20 minutes he went back down.  Phew!  Small victory.  I am hoping that after a few days of getting used to sleeping on his stomach, this might help our sleeping situation. 

I also got to thinking that a huge problem with his sleeping is that he does not take a pacifier (ARGH!) and does not suck a thumb or finger.  I think he has trouble self-soothing with out something to suck.  Once he nurses, he goes back to sleep instantly, so I know it is a soothing issue more than a hunger issue.  I know many kids sleep just fine without anything, but I do think this could be part of our problem. 

I know it is going to be time to cry it out soon.  I just need to come to terms with it and prepare myself for a rough time.  We let Luke cry it out 19 nights in a row and it never worked, so I get very anxious and am just not in a hurry despite my exhaustion.  Those were the worst 19 nights ever (even more so because it didn't work!) and I just don't want a repeat.  I keep thinking I will know when it is time to do it. 

Thank you to those who offered comments and suggestions.  I needed them.  After a glass of wine and some chocolate (ha!), I started feeling more like myself last night.  I know things can be so much worse, so I am trying to keep things in perspective.  My kids are great despite a cold and waking up too much, so I am trying to count my blessings.


AP said...

Glad your day/night got a little better :) hope Luke is better soon too! I just want to throw this out there in a non-judgemental way (we mama's need to support each other!), but the CIO method was never intended for infants, the original "studies" we're on those over a year... Maybe check-out the No Cry Sleep Solution book? I found it to be pretty balanced. Sleep deprivation is no joke though! Also just wanted to reiterate you are still a great mom- don't forget that!! :)

Meagan @ The Clanahan Fam said...

Gosh, Ben is sooooo cute! Everytime I see those cheeks, I just want to squeeze them! Girl, don't feel bad about talking about lack of sleep and missing it. Sleep deprivation is NO JOKE and no fun - no matter how cute their cheeks are : ) Have you ever read Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Baby? The twin version Anyway, I think it offers some less scary options of CIO and has some very practical advice. It does sound like he needs some self soothing help so maybe there's some ideas in there (I can't remember, the good Lord has erased much of that book and the nightmare of no sleep from my brain --- otherwise if He hadn't, I would even entertain the thought of a third child, ha!) Anyway, to end my longest comment ever, loving all of your posts lately and keeping up with your sweet boys! I was in your neck of the woods the other day visiting my friend Katie and thought about you - I was reminding my husband of you and how sweet you were to support Team Quinn! Next time we come down that way, perhaps I can stop by and say hello : )