Saturday, April 21, 2012

{Fire Station Fun!}

This morning we headed with our neighborhood mom's group to the local fire station!  Luke brought a cherry pie to give the fire men to say a big "thank you!" for all they do for our neighborhood.  The kids got to climb all over a fire truck and an ambulence and even got to hold the fire hose.  Luke had a blast!  Just look....

Okay, I will be honest...this picture is a bit deceiving.  He did have a lot of fun, especially when his best buddy Cooper showed up and they ran around like crazy, but he had a few bad moments.  He pushed several kids while we were there.  He would walk up to them and either box them out (his signature move) or push with his hand. 


Luke had been doing so much better recently in regards to tantrums and pushing, but we had a little set back today.  He woke up in a funk and it just continued on into the fire station tour.  BUT, he did recover and end up having a fun time after a time-out.  I guess that what this age is all about -- being able to move forward even though times get a bit hard and try to learn from mistakes. 

Afterwards we went with our friends to eat lunch and the boys played and played while we got to eat and enjoy our friends.  The weather is incredible today and the patio with good food and friends is just what we needed!

1 comment:

Brittney said...

Aww, what a sweet pic! Glad your precious little guy had fun:)

Sorry to hear about the difficult behavior stuff lately though..I know how tough that can be, especially on Mama's! If it makes you feel any better we've a;sp been dealing with those same types of issues..I wish I had perfect answers for us both! Sigh. It always helps me to remember a) I'm doing my very best, and b) This too shall pass. Best wishes with all of that. Praying for you!