Thursday, April 5, 2012

{Boy Mom}

I always knew that I would be a boy mom. It was just a gut feeling that I always had prior to even marrying Chat and, if I was honest with myself, I knew that Luke and Ben were boys the minute I peed on the stick.  I really didn't need an ultrasound to show me.

One thing I didn't know from the start was just how much I would love having boys.  I knew I would enjoy it, but never did I expect to fall this in love with boyhood.  I love their energy, their messiness, the special relationship and love for their mommy, the way they bond with their daddy. 

At times, I question whether I have what it takes to raise them.  Sometimes the chaos of having a little boy can be overwhelming.  They are loud.  They are busy.  They are dirty.  But in my heart, I knew this was going to be my life.

I know that God perfectly placed these three in my life.

We had a rough start to the week, but have managed to round out the week with lots of smiles, a bit of sleep (YAY!!!) and fun times with just us and also with friends.  Thank goodness.  We needed it.

Yup.  I am a boy mom.  


Hillary said...

I {heart} being a boy mom too!


Emily said...

Love this.