Wednesday, April 4, 2012

{Mid-Week Randoms}

More random postings you say?  Why yes!

How can I not post when I walk into the kitchen late Monday night to put my pumped milk in the refrigerator and find Trudy using the Nap Nanny as a dog bed?

When I saw her, I immediately ran and got my phone to take a picture (milk spilling all over the place as I fling myself down the hall to collect it).  I texted the picture to Chat (who was up at the office working nights) and we literally laughed so hard my side hurt. It is moments like these that I am so happy we have dogs. They are such a handful at times, but boy do they make some of the best moments for us.

That same night, it seems as though the lion and the train were having a stand off.  Don't worry...the train won.  The train always wins in this bathtub. 

OMG, the best piece of information in this whole post?  Both boys -- BOTH -- are asleep napping at the same time in their cribs.  Granted it has only been 18 minutes, but I am holding my breath that this continues for atleast 30 more minutes.  This NEVER happens.  Hallelujah!

Below is a lovely Chick-fil-a moment from today at lunch.  Chat was off so we took the boys to a quick, early lunch at one of the only few places we can go without getting dirty looks because of our wild child.  Luke decided to smoosh his face all over the play area glass wall.  After silently freaking out about all the germs, I laughed and snapped a quick photo. 

A friend of ours that has older children told me this week "I always thought that the dirtier my son was, the more fun it proved he had".  After telling her son this, he would come home covered in mud and would exclaim "Look how much fun I had!".  I loved this, so I am doing less and less freaking out about germs and dirt and encouraging more messiness and fun!  By the look of Luke every night before bath, he is having A LOT of fun.  He pretty much lives in the dirt these days.

Lastly, an update on Ben and comment.  Let's just say I am still very, very tired.  But here is a cute picture of my butterball!

And Ben just woke up.  I knew it couldn't last long.  But hey...36 minutes of quiet was bliss!


aria said...

I love that dirt quote! I'll have to remember that.

Meagan @ The Clanahan Fam said...

So true about the dirt! Confession: for months I didn't want the kids to play outside unless it was the perfect day, no mist, no fog, no dew, not too hot, not too cold, etc etc. I just had NO desire to deal with cleaning them up if they played with their water table, got grass stains on their clothes, or got super sweaty and smelly. But now, we pretty much spend as much time outside as possible because I realize (duh!) that the kids totally dig it AND it wears them the heck out. I feel horrible now that I was so lazy before and so protective since it's something they just love to do. Mom of the year, right? : ) And that's my confession of the day! ha!