Tuesday, April 17, 2012

{Blue Eyed Boy}

It is very strange to have a baby with blue eyes.  Neither Chat or I (or anyone in my family for that matter) has blue eyes.  So I am always surprised every day when I stare into Ben's eyes and they are still blue.  By this time Luke's eyes had already changed to Chat's deep, dark brown.  They are beautiful on Luke.  But for some reason, Ben's are taking a little longer to change.  I don't think he will have blue eyes forever...I am thinking he will have my hazel eyes.  I kind of already feel like they are starting to head that direction.  So I had to snap a few pictures before they did.  I know he will be cute with whatever color they turn out to be, but I do love the blue eyes for pictures.  So here is my blue eyed boy!



1 comment:

Brittney said...

So precious..love his beautiful blue eyes