Thursday, April 12, 2012

{Nap Boy, Nap!}

I am in that awkward stage with Ben.  The 'not napping more than 30 minutes in his crib' stage.  I remember this all too well with Luke.  The only way I can get Ben to fall asleep for a nap is usually by nursing him or by motion (meaning on-the-go in the car).  Then if I actually get him in his crib for a nap, he only sleeps 30 to 45 minutes.  I have to either drive him around (which I can only do if Chat is home because usually this is during Luke's nap), nurse him more or PRAY VERY HARD that he will go back to sleep if I rock him.


See my foot?  I have been rocking him for the past 47 minutes.  Whenever I stop, he starts stirring and will wake up.

So if I want him to actually nap for more than 30 minutes, this is my lot.  To get him to nap at least 2 hours, we typically do a combo of crib, car seat, swing and my chest. 

Oh the infant stage. 

But I do believe that if he naps better during the day, he does sleep better at night.  So here I am sweating (not sure why -- it is only my foot rocking back and forth -- am I that out of shape??), doing computer stuff and getting my boy to nap.

And I don't mind doing it.  If it helps him sleep.

1 comment:

Brittney said...

Oh wow, that is a tough stage! Sorry to hear you're in it:( Can make it nearly impossible to do other things, I remember, I'm sure that much more so with a toddler..Hoping and praying it gets better for you very soon!

P.S. Your little guy is ADORABLE. What irresisitible baby chub he has! Too cute.