Wednesday, April 18, 2012

{Ben at 4 Months}

I can't believe it...Ben is 4 months old!

We had his 4 month appointment today with the pediatrician and he is doing well!  He is beyond huge, but I already knew that without them weighing and measuring him.  My back and arms can tell you he is a big guy for sure!  He is 21 pounds and 2.3 ounces (100%) and 26.75" long (95%).  He is following in his brother's footsteps by being 'large and in charge', although he is a bit bigger than Luke at this point (here are Luke's stats at this age).  But we all know Ben will eventually start moving and shaking and thin out just like Luke.

Ben has the best personality.  He just smiles and grins all day long.  He is your typical second child.  He only cries when he is tired or hungry.  I literally just have to glance at him and he always meets me with the sweetest smile.  He has been the greatest joy to me.

Nursing is still going well.  He eats about 5 times a day (not including the random night feedings).  He is doing better with the bottle.  Ben will eat from a bottle (from someone else) if he is hungry.  If he is not hungry and needs to comfort nurse (which doesn't happen too often but sometimes he needs it), watch out!  The boy gets mad.  MAD! 

Ben still will not take a pacifier.  Much to my dismay.

I fed him oatmeal for the first time this weekend.  He seemed to enjoy it!  Although I am not quite sure he actually swallowed all that much.  But the whole experience was pretty uneventful and overall pleasant, which was very different from his brother (see here).  I need to get the old highchair out and then we will start doing this regularly once a day.

Sleeping is a work in progress.  Or not actually.  We make some progress and then he starts to regress.  He is still sleeping on his back, but no longer swaddled!  He goes to be around 8 or 8:30 every night and sleeps till 7:00 or so in the morning.  He will wake up one to four times a night.  It can be pretty brutal.  He doesn't nap well either.  He takes cat naps all day because he can't sleep past 30 or 45 minutes without waking up.  So he should be on 3 naps a day -- 2 longer naps and then maybe a cat nap in late afternoon.  What he is doing is 4 naps -- 30/45 minutes throughout the day.  I feel bad because I think he needs more, but we are just going to continue to work on it. 

He has found his voice and loves to coo, gurgle and talk.  He is now even starting to spit and blow bubbles.

He is definitely a kicker and loves to swing his arms around.  He reaches for toys and holds on to them.  He loves to put his hands and toys in his mouth as well.  He has rolled from stomach to back a few times, but not regularly.  When he thinks about it too much, he gets stuck.  I call him my "beached whale" because I see he struggles getting that big body over.

He is starting to sit up with support.  He kinda slumps over if not helped, but he definitely likes to be upright.  He loves to stand with you holding his waist or hands. 

The best thing about this stage is what I am seeing develop between the boys.  Ben is in awe of Luke and LOVES watching him!  The minute he gets to watch Luke, a huge smile goes across his face and he is glued to him.  He will start making all sorts of noises in which Luke notices, so then Luke does more of what he does, making Ben smile even more.  Luke is really starting to enjoy it as wll!  It is times like this that I realize the importance of siblings.  It is absolutely wonderful.

Overall Ben is doing well and reaching all the milestones for his age.  I just love this big guy and how his relationship with his brother is blooming.  Back with more milestones at 6 months!

1 comment:

Brittney said...

Aww, what a little doll!! So sweet to hear about Ben's sweet relationship with Luke too:)