Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Coming to you live from the kitchen floor...seriously.  That is what you do when you are in pain and have a raging fever.  You go where your kids want to go and lay on the floor and have them play all around/over you while you go in and out of consciousness.  In this case?  The kitchen floor.

It started yesterday morning.  I woke up and my right breast was hurting and felt very tender.  It felt like a plugged milk duct so I quickly fed Ben and then pumped even more.  It seemed to feel a bit better so I went about my morning.  But as the minutes ticked on, I started feeling very bad.  I was achy all over and started shaking. was mastitis.  It went from ok to bad to worse pretty quickly and I knew I needed drugs.

I had to go into the doctor since they wouldn't prescribe me an antibiotic until they saw me.  So I did that around noon, got my diagnosis and my prescription and was on my way.  Then I proceeded to feel awful for the next 10 hours.  Holy moly.  I forgot how bad fever makes you feel. 

Luckily Chat was home during the day to help and when he went off to work, my mom and dad came over to help at nighttime.  There were a few times here and there that I was home alone with the boys and that is when I ended up on the kitchen floor with them climbing all over me.  Ben proceeded to bang an Elmo figurine on the dog's food bowl for a good 10 minutes.  Thank goodness he was happy doing that while I was shaking on the floor.  But poor Elmo...

I have now been on antiobiotics for about 20 hours.  I started feeling better last night around 10, but woke up with a raging fever around 2:00 am.  So I am just pumping my body with Motrin and antiobiotics and hoping this mastitis goes away fast.  As long as my fever stays down, I feel okay, so I am diligent about taking medicine.
I have said it before, and I am going to say it again, what moms do for their children is amazing.  This is just a little bump in the road and I am happy to handle it if it means nursing Ben, but wow, wasn't expecting this.  Kuddos to any mom who has been through this!


Kismet21 said...

I had it with Sophie. It is TERRIBLE! I am feeling for you sweetie! Get better.

Emily said...

Holy moly! That is horrible! I hope you feel better soon. It is amazing what moms go through especially during pregnancy and the first few years after.

AP said...

I had a similar experience and it is shocking how quickly it comes on! Pump, feed, pump away!! Hope the drugs work quickly!