Thursday, October 4, 2012


Well if this isn't the accurate image of a second child.  He is under a table, gnawing on dirty shoes next to an unprotected outlet with power cord waiting to be chewed.  Our sweet Ben. 

Ben has been off this week.  He is extremely clingy to me and just down in the dumps.  He is never fussy, and the last few days have been full of fussiness to the extreme.  It is like he knows that I am leaving him this weekend. 

I am saying some prayers for Chat and Ben and hope they figure it out.  I hate that I am leaving my boy in this hard time for him, but this mama has to get outta town for 24 hours.  I hope he knows just how much I love him and that I am doing this for the benefit of both of us.  And that I will be back before he knows it!

On the other hand, I think Luke is going to love having some daddy time!

1 comment:

AP said...

Have a great time!! It will be good for all :)