Wednesday, October 10, 2012

{Rub A Dub Dub}

Rub a dub dub, two boys in a tub!
It is crazy around here with these two wee ones.  Their energy is exhausting (it seems to increase as the night goes on), but wonderful all at the same time.  That is if I have the energy to keep up with them!  Bath time has become quite busy trying to bathe them together.  What a workout!
Luke looks so innocent (ha ha - not the case!). 
His favorite thing is to pour water on Ben's bottom.  Ha!

Unless he is indulging Trudy in her favorite thing ever...water! 
She is currently drinking water from a shaving cream top. 
Trudy has lots of bathroom breaks after the boys' bathtime since she drinks so much water.

Old Benny boy must be standing at all times in the bath. It drives me batty! 
I am constantly trying to help him not slip.  My arms get a crazy workout.

Doing something naughty I am sure...
This one has developed a liking for the duck...
I decided not to show the picture of how much dirt is in the bathtub once it drains. The joys are raising little goats! They are the essence of dirty, happy, little boys. Just another fun night at the Lenhart household!

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