Tuesday, October 30, 2012

{Potty Training Limbo}

Up until about a couple of weeks ago Luke wasn't really showing any signs that he was ready to potty train.  I wasn't in a hurry because I heard that it is easier when they are three (end of February) and with the holidays coming up, I wasn't really wanting to deal with a toddler needing to go every ten minutes when we were out and about, especially with a baby in tow.  So easy decision! 

But recently Luke started showing signs.  He started telling me when he went #2 because he wanted to be changed -- sometimes even before he went.  He was talking about the potty and watching his friends go.  Then he wanted to run around naked (yelling "Naked Man!!" -- have no idea where this came from) and started using the potty this weekend almost on his own.  It hasn't been 100%, but he seemed to be self potty training.  And yes, I turned into one of those moms that take pictures of his deposits and text/email  it to Chat and my family.  Who have I become?!?!?!

But there are a few issues now:
1.  He only uses the potty this when he is naked or half naked (wearing only a shirt).
2.  He has accidents when I have tried underwear (granted only tried once for an hour).
3.  Now that we have been doing this when we are at home a week, he seems to be regressing a bit and not wanting to use the potty, so he holds it for hours.
4.  Instead of being very relaxed like I was the first few days, I am starting to get very anxious and impatient with him now.

So now I am at a crossroads.  Do I just can the whole thing and force diapers even when we are home and try in January after the holidays?  Or do I bite the bullet and go all in even though I am not really sure if we are there yet?  Or is there an 'in-between' like I am doing right now without going crazy?  I like this whole no pressure way this was happening, but now I just feel like we are in limbo.  Decisions!  To be continued...

In other news, here are some recent pics!

{One tired boy from pumpkin fun after neighborhood Halloween party in the park!}
{Helping me give Ben a bath using waaaaaay too much water...sorry Ben}
{Brother hug}


AP said...

Not claiming to have any answers but since we are getting closer and closer to start potty training here I've been doing a little research (which I'm sure you have too!), and I think there is more "grey" area than we are lead to believe. In the early stages there are more accidents than not, and there will continue to be accidents for months/years after 'training.'

As with almost all parenting adventures, I'd go with your gut. If you think he needs a little push then invest in floor/carpet cleaner and stick close to home for a week and just go for it. If you really think he needs more time, then you can just go diaper free at home and use diapers when you're out. I don't buy into the idea that it confuses kids, they are smarter than given credit for. If you decide to wait til next year, he'll get the message really quickly when you stop putting diapers on him :)

Hope that doesn't sound like a lecture! No matter what he won't be in diapers when he's 10, so it'll be fine :) Good luck!!

AP said...
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Leah said...

Hands down the hardest parenting milestone to date. Maybe it was the twin factor, but we started off with the 3 day method and then I modified for myself. It took us longer than 4 days and I wanted to go back to diapers sooooo bad! They are sooo much eaiser! But, one of the boys was ready and the other was not as excited about the idea so I waited another month for him. I was nervous about them going at school but they did great! They loved getting to go to the bathroom and not having to change diapers with the other kids. They were allowed 2 underwear accidents and then had to wear a pull up. So we followed that at home as well. #2 and nitetime trained took a little longer. It's not as easy to pick up and go, but we just stopped at every bathroom on the way in/out of the store. Really, I kept a training potty in the back and they would use that.
Trust your gut. Do you think he's ready? Do you think he will have "diaper confusion?" are you ready? We waited till 3 because I wasnt ready and like you with Feb. birthdays we had big road trips and a lot of disruption to our home days routine.
Go get it, Luke!