Saturday, February 7, 2015

{Ben: Naps and Potty Training}

I wanted to write down a little update on Ben regarding napping and potty training. You see, I use this little blog to look back and see when the boys did things and with one more on the way, I know these are two topics I will want to remember when our third and final one gets to this point! So far Luke and Ben have been on somewhat the same timeline. Luke gave his naps up a bit earlier than Ben (maybe a month or two) and potty trained about two months earlier. But for the most part have done things pretty closely!

{Ben loves to paint...his body}

Napping -- We are officially done with naps! Ben does nap at school three days a week. It usually is only for about 45 minutes to an hour and early in the day. He is up by 1:30 pm and therefore it has not caused a big problem with him going to bed at night (thank goodness!) although he does stay up a little later on those nights just so we don't have a big fight. On the days he is home, we try to forgo the naps. On certain days when I can tell he is extra tired, I will let him power nap in the car for 20 minutes or so to be able to get through the day. On the days he does not nap, we have to be careful about car rides late in the day because he will fall asleep.

{Ben getting his hair cut this month!}

I thought I would hate the day that the boys didn't nap anymore, but to tell you the truth, it makes some things a lot easier. We don't have to plan around naps anymore and it makes things nice. We usually try to make it home by 1:30 pm if we are out to have some down time. I try to save their TV time for then, so everyone can just relax a bit. Sometimes the boys will play trains during this time. It is not officially "quite time" where they have to spend it lying down or in their room, it is just time spent at home where everyone is finding something to do on their own.
{Ben has peed on a lot of trees lately :)}

Potty Training -- Shortly after my last update on it, Ben pretty much got the hang of potty training. So I would say within the month of turning three, everything just clicked and the boy is completely potty trained. He has had a few 'no.2' accidents every now and then, but for the most part can tell me and give me enough notice to make it to the restroom. He still doesn't like to go when I request him to -- like when we are leaving the house for an activity and I want him to try. He automatically says "NOOOOO!" and sometimes he doesn't really need to go...but sometimes he does. I remember the stage when Luke did this, so I know with time it will pass and he will be happy to at least try on command.

{The boy loves checking out his bottom and couldn't resist in The Junior League restroom!}
He still wears a diaper at night. We ask him to go right before bed and then put his diaper on. I can tell that he is starting to hold it more at night because he doesn't wake up drenched the way he used to. I will give him more time on that -- I am in no hurry for nighttime! Although he is asking to wear underwear at night, I am holding off for a bit because I hate cleaning sheets in the middle of the night! He is not quite there yet, but I know in time, he will be.
{My hot, little mess misbehaving at a restaurant!}
So lots of changes for Ben lately! I feel like in just a few short months he has really grown from being a toddler to a preschooler. I realize that we are really out of the baby stage now and how easy things could be. BUT we threw a bit wrench having baby #3! So it will be a bit of an adjustment to go back to that place, but how nice it is for a few months to be done with it all. And that the boys will really be independent when it comes to things like this once I have a newborn. I am hoping that makes things go a bit smoother!!

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