Sunday, February 22, 2015

{30 Weeks}

I am already 30 weeks as of last Friday! I am 3/4 done with this pregnancy --- probably less than nine weeks to go actually. I get asked a lot about how I feel. And my response? I feel...pregnant. Up until about 28 weeks, I was doing pretty good. But lately I am feeling the third trimester big time.

I am loving the joys of pregnancy -- the anticipation of a new little one joining our family, the kicks and rolls inside, the hiccups, the boys getting excited and asking cute questions. But I am also starting to feel the pains of pregnancy -- being really uncomfortable at times, the weight/heaviness of the big tummy, the reflux, the trouble sleeping, the constant needing to go to the bathroom. So as much as I love the amazing things of pregnancy, I am starting to really be ready for this little one to arrive in about nine weeks! Even though I am well aware that this time is actually much easier than when the little one arrives. children don't sleep the first year!

30 Week Picture

I actually think I look okay in this picture. But let me tell about 8:00 at night, I feel like I look like this plus about 30 additional pounds and a little like a large cow. And I think I sound like one too. I am grunting and panting and huffing. I am a straight up mess after about 3:00 in the afternoon. Ha! So lets just say, I take my bump pictures in the morning!

We were at a birthday party yesterday and my friend's son (who is bilingual) took note of my growing belly (as all 5 year olds tend to do these days). His mom asked, "What do you think?" as she points to my stomach. His eyes widened and he says, "Muuuuuuuyyyyyyy grande!". Yes, very big. That I am.

I could not stop laughing!

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