Sunday, February 8, 2015

{28 Weeks}

I am officially in the third trimester! With less than 12 weeks to go, I am feeling very pregnant. Ha! Things are going along very well this pregnancy -- much less eventful than Ben's pregnancy for sure. It is sometimes hard to believe that in less than three months we are adding to our family and will be back in the baby phase. Other times, I feel like I am very ready and ready to get a move on this! In the end, I just feel very lucky and blessed to be at this stage again. It is hard at times, but overall, I am one happy mommy!
My stomach is starting to feel very heavy and I am having trouble getting comfortable now that I am really growing. A few nights ago, Chat asked "Are you okay?" and I was wondering why he was asking me. Apparently I am starting to grunt and make noises as I roll over in bed or try to get comfortable. Ha...I didn't even realize I was making them! I am getting a lot of comments like "Wow, you must be due any day now!" quite often. I have grown considerably in the last few weeks, and I get so many surprised looks at how much longer I have. I guess I just look very pregnant. But I assure everyone that I have three months to go! Last week even Luke goes, "Mommy, your tummy is getting so big your shirt doesn't even cover it anymore!" So yes, I am getting bigger every day and loving that this baby his growing and we are getting closer to delivery.
We are still at a loss on names. We have some ideas, but Chat and I can't really come to an agreement so we just don't talk about it much. We still think more of boy names than girls and I wonder if that is an omen of what this baby really is. I wish we were those people that had names way before we even had kids, but we aren't so it makes the process a bit painful. I know as we get closer we will get a bit more serious on deciding a few final contenders. At least I hope!
The baby is doing well and kicking up a storm. It sure likes to kick my bladder and it is quite painful! My back just recently started to hurt a bit and I attribute that to the weight I am carrying around. The baby was 99% at 20 weeks in size and was down to 86% at 24 weeks, so I am hoping the baby is still slowing down, but I won't know till I get my next ultrasound at 34 weeks. I passed my second gestational diabetes test, so I am glad that once again, I don't have to worry about that.
I am still thinking boy with this little one, but for fun, I jotted down a few differences in this pregnancy....
- Weight gain -- A bit embarrassing to admit, but I have gained quite a bit more this pregnancy than my past two. It is a bit of a conundrum too because I don't look like I have and have stayed way more active this pregnancy. I have been walking/slow jogging three to four times a week for about 3 miles each time to try to stay active and hopefully will make it easier to lose the weight. My pregnancy clothes from my last two are too big on me and I overall feel much healthier and look better. So not sure how this has happened!
- Love Handles -- I will say that I have gained more weight in the love-handle area than my previous pregnancies. My stomach is big and kinda protrudes like a torpedo in front, but I have gained a bit in the lower back area. Or at least it feels/looks that way when I put on pants. I don't remember this being an issue with Luke or Ben, but with all three pregnancies I have the stomach that looks like it has a basketball in it!
- Heartburn -- I have never had heartburn before, but this time, I have had some. More acid reflux than anything and it has only been a few times. It was awful though so I am super careful about eating too late and eating anything sweet at night which seems to make it worse.

- Iron Deficiency -- At my last appointment, I had to do a blood draw and it came back that I was deficient in iron. So I am now taking an iron supplement. I haven't had this with any previous pregnancy either.

So that's about it! Nothing too different to indicate that this is a girl or a boy. I pray things continue to go smoothly and I can stay active and the baby continues to grow and get stronger. I have started to make a list of things we need to buy or get ready over the next few months. I am starting to feel like we need to get on the ball with it, but life is busy so it is hard to make it a priority. Soon it will have to be and I know we will start preparing more. I have an appointment in two weeks and then my next ultrasound is six weeks from tomorrow. So hopefully no real news till then!

1 comment:

Meagan @ The Clanahan Fam said...

You look seriously amazing!!! Gosh, I would just love to see you have a little girl so those boys can be her protector :) But I know regardless, this little one will be well-loved!