Monday, February 9, 2015

{Baseball Season is HERE!}

Baseball season is upon us! And both Luke and Ben (and let's be honest -- CHAT) couldn't be more excited. Luke is doing West U Little League for the first time. It is a big deal -- Chat did this when he was five -- and it is extremely special to him that Luke is finally able to do it. We have already gone to the mandatory meetings and found out Luke is on The Reds this year and practice starts this Tuesday. Luke is pumped!! Let's hope he stays that way :).

We got a bunch of hand-me-down baseball gear from a family of a boy that Chat used to coach. Luke literally tried on all the gear twice a day for a week. Needless to say, he is ready!

Baseball is usually on the agenda several times a week now. We had Luke's friend Connor over this past week and the three of them had a ball! As a boy mom, I have to embrace these kiddos and their passions. I am so lucky to be a boy mom!

We needed to get Luke some cleats, so Friday night we headed up to Academy. Surprisingly Ben had a ball! He kept trying on all the equipment and the cleats. He was so disappointed when he realized it was for Luke. This boy is ready! One more year Ben!

Luke was very specific on the type of cleats he wanted -- they had to be black and be Nike. And he had to have a red baseball bag. We got the bag and the shoes should arrive on Tuesday (and believe me Luke is counting the days till they arrive) since they didn't have his size.
On Saturday, we headed up to Lamar HS to spend some time in the batting cages and on the field.

Of course, Ben was super into it and doesn't understand why he can't play on The Reds too.

One of the Lamar HS coaches helped Chat and Luke with swinging. He gave Chat great pointers on how to help a five year old learn some basics.

But of course, the real fun is running the bases!

I hope the season goes as well as we hope! We will find out this TUESDAY. GO REDS!

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