Thursday, August 30, 2012


So I mentioned a while back that Ben did not like baby food.  To say he didn't like it is probably a very large understatement, but let's just go with that.  So after about two months of working with him and getting absolutely nowhere except royally pissing off this baby, I finally just gave up.  He seemed to be struggling with it more the harder I tried and the older he got.  So we took a couple weeks off from all food except puffs (ahh, magical puffs).
But now that he is eight months and has four teeth, I thought it was time to start trying finger foods.  And, well, Ben is a much happier camper....
{Oooh, this looks interesting} 

{This watermelon isn't half bad, thanks mama}

{Wow, whatever I don't want to eat, I can just give to this furry thing}
{But hey...I like this stuff. Victory!!}


Brittney said...

Aww. Glad he's liking his (healthy!:)) finger foods so much!

aria said...

Big boy food! Read up on baby led weaning - sounds like ben's cup of tea.

Kismet21 said...

I was going to suggest baby led weaning too. So glad you found something that is working!