Wednesday, August 1, 2012

{The Sleep Question}

Oh Benny Boy!   You keep me on my toes.   How are you sleeping?  Such a tough question!  Just a quick update on sleeping since I have so many of you on the edge of your seat :). 

This is pretty much how it goes:

1. Currently -- Wake up 3 to 4 times a night.
2. Mommy gets beyond exhausted.
3. Mommy and Daddy decide it is time to sleep train.
4. First night -- not good.
5. Second night -- not bad.
6. Third night -- I think this baby is learning to sleep!
7. Fourth through ninth night or so -- Hey this really does work.
8. Around tenth night -- Wait, why is he up again.
9. Eleventh night -- How many times has he been up tonight?
10. Twelth night through fourteenth night -- Wake up 2 to 3 times a night.
11. Fifteenth night through eighteenth night -- Wake up 3 to 4 times a night.
12. Mommy gets beyond exhausted.
13. Mommy and Daddy decide it is time to sleep train...

Get the routine?? 

Again, thank goodness I think he is a cutie because he keeps me hanging in there. On a positive note, the boy has mastered naps (yay!) and is sleeping more than he has in the past. It is just squeezed in there with lots of not-sleeping nights still.  Overall he is still doing better than where we were a month ago :). Baby steps.

1 comment:

Meagan @ The Clanahan Fam said...

That smile melts me :) I'm like you - I would see that and be like "what sleep training??" : )