Thursday, August 9, 2012

{The Battle Begins}

It has already begun...the battle between two brothers.

Accept one doesn't realize it yet. He is just doing his thang. His thang that is clearly rocking someone'e world. Meaning all things train.

It seems that little brother loves big brother's train table and can pull up on it all by himself now. It has already caused many fits and it is only day two of this new found talent.  Ben being mobile is a huge game-changer in this house and a certain big brother is not pleased.  I have a feeling this is one battle that is going to be sticking around. {Secretly I am rooting for the little one as I believe someone needs to have a very big lesson in sharing}.

At least we know we have a few more years of use out of this train table....that is unless I need to cut it into two!

1 comment:

Meagan @ The Clanahan Fam said...

haha! Love this post : ) I had to laugh at your comment of "rooting for the little one". To be honest, secretely I root for Ryan when he's playing with Quinn. She can be so bossy and will only let him play with certain things and heaven forbid, he has a toy she decides she has to have. Ryan used to just surrender the toy and collapse into a sad heap of tears but the boy has finally started trying to get away from sissy with the toy. He runs away and as he's running, he's shouting "Share, sissy, share. Share, share, share" ha. I have laughed out loud many a time at that : )