Tuesday, December 16, 2014

{Ben's 3rd Birthday!}

My "baby" is three years old! Ben had his third birthday this past Friday and we celebrated with a party on Saturday. It was a crazy packed few days, but so much fun seeing our sweet boy turn into such a big boy!
On Thursday my parents brought his gifts over. He got a dinosaur puzzle and this pig. Ben loves stuffed animals and ever since he got this pig, it has not left his side. He brings him to school, holds him while playing at the park and sleeps with him. He loves his pig!

I took this picture Thursday night. I had an event that night and came home and went to check on my sleeping boys. I found this --- my Benny, sleeping soundly with his pig in his arms. I had a quick moment of "I can't believe he is three tomorrow" and gave him a quick kiss before going to bed myself.

The next morning we headed to Moeller's to get his dinosaur cookies to bring to school for his class to celebrate his birthday. I took a quick picture before he went to his class of him telling me how old he is. Three!!! Please notice the pig is still with him :).

After school, we went to the park for two hours, then had his cousin Molly and Jack come by to give him a present and play. That night we decided to try something new -- going to a fun Asian restaurant that cooks right in front of you. Daddy and Luke were ready...

The boys tried out chop sticks. And they tried them with French fries. Ha! Luke did pretty well. Ben...not so much. Maybe in a year or two!

The boys were terrified with the fire. But we just held on tight to them and got through. You could feel the heat radiate off of it so I kind of don't blame them. It was definitely memorable for them though.

They both loved the volcano that cook made out of onions. They even made it erupt with "lava". Luke loves talking about it days later!

After dinner, Chat's mom came over and gave gifts and the boys played and stayed up way past their bedtime. We finally got them to bed hopefully to have a good rest since it was Ben's birthday party on Saturday.

But first we had to do our annual birthday tradition of going to Avalon for pancakes. The boys ate up....

We had Ben's party at The Little Gym and had a dinosaur theme. The gym did a wonderful job! I took a quick picture of the boys before everyone got there. They were so excited about their dinosaur shirts that I got made for the dinosaur party.
Here is the whole group (minus a few). Ben loved having all his friends there to celebrate!
The instructor asked all the kids to make their best dinosaur roar in this one!

I guess Ben thought it was just a little bit too loud :)


We went for dinner with some of our friends right afterward and was home by 7:00 that night completely wiped out. It was such a fun few days, but exhausting. We put Luke to bed and had a few moments with just Ben before his bedtime. We took a quick selfie with our sweet boy and hugged him a little tighter that night. I love him so.

Then we all collapsed into bed that night. I think we were all very, very tired!

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