Monday, December 15, 2014

{20 Weeks!}

We made it to the half way mark...20 weeks! Time is really flying with this pregnancy. I really don't have much time to even think about it, which makes days go by quickly. However May 1st seems like so far away. It is hard to believe I am half way done but then May is the due date. It seems too far away. But we are trucking along and make the most of our holidays.

Here is a baby bump picture at almost 20 weeks. The bump is definitely growing big! I am starting to feel the extra weight and things are getting a bit more challenging to do. I feel much bigger at night after I have eaten all day. Ha! I don't have any bad symptoms other than just being pretty tired at night. But that would be happening pregnant or not I think! The baby moves all the time and I love the little reminder that all is well in there. I started feeling it move around 16 weeks, so much sooner than with either boy.

I went today to my anatomy scan and all looked well! We have a healthy baby and a very active baby. The baby was wiggly and moving all over. It yawned while we watched and was trying to suck it's thumb or hand the whole time. Baby is measuring almost a week ahead -- I am 20w3d and the baby is measuring more like 21w1d. But this is just like the other boys so I am not concerned. I have big babies!

I made it through the ultrasound without finding out the gender. I was really worried that I might accidentally see something or the ultrasound technician would let something slip. But all was well! I feel like we are now FULL COMMITTED to not finding out since we won't have another ultrasound till well past 34 weeks. I still can't believe we aren't finding out, but surprisingly it hasn't been hard at all. I am eager to know, but I am okay with not knowing right now. I NEVER thought we would do this, so it is kinda fun!

I go back to the doctor in two weeks for a routine exam and will go over my ultrasound results in full detail then. Until then, we are just getting ready for Christmas! I can't believe this little one will be almost 8 months when we celebrate Christmas next year. My how a year can change everything!

**Update -- My doctor's nurse called this afternoon and they want to watch the baby's growth closely since it is measuring big. So I go back for another ultrasound in a month. I think since I had some trouble delivering Ben last time since he was big, they are going to monitor this closely this time.

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