Tuesday, January 8, 2013

{Ordinary "Extraordinary" Days}

I got my new 2013 calendar in the mail this past week and I am beyond excited!  I still use a paper calendar and I know how out-dated that makes me, but I just can't go to technology for this one thing.  I spent a whopping $13 on it and when it arrived from Amazon, I got giddy.  I got out my pencil and quickly start writing in all of our trips, to-do's and commitments.  There is something about a new calendar that I love
Since we are back into our normal routine, it feels good.  The ordinary can feel extraordinary when you haven't had it for awhile.  I am trying to make that ring true for more of this year.  I want our ordinary days to count, feel important, and to be fullfilling without having to do extra/buy more.  Let's see if I can keep this attitude up :). 

Luke went back to school yesterday and both boys will be in it tomorrow.  We have our activities resuming this week so that means Luke has swim class and Ben has music.  This will be Ben's first music class to be signed up for and I am very excited!  It is sometimes hard to do the things for your second child that you did with your first at such a young age.  It took us a year, but I finally feel like I have the time and energy.  So we start Friday!  This guy seems excited...

It has been raining a lot these past few weeks, so we have spent much of our days inside. The kids get pretty disappointed they can't go outside to play, but we find things to do.  Luke is really into washing his hands, washing his trains and making ice cream in the bathtub.  He will stand on his stool at the bathroom sink for over 30 minutes playing in the water and bubbles with his trains.  I really am so thankful he can play independently so well.
But our little Benny boy is getting into some trouble when he tries to do what his big brother does.  He loves climbing on chairs and stools.  He got his very own "Ben" stool for his birthday from my sister.  It is so hard to keep him off of this darn stool and away from the bathroom counter!
It is not a secret that Luke is not a crafty kid.  He will bring home his artwork from school and it clearly shows that.  It will be a large piece of paper with maybe one scribble on it.  His teachers tell us that they have to sit him away from his friends and really have to encourage him to color/paint/etc.  He just really wants to play poor guy!  Well the other day, the boys' new shoes arrived and I had their empty shoe boxes.  We decided to color and label them so they could each have a box to put their trains in.  I have never seen Luke spend so much time on an art project.  He colored his little heart out!  Guess the magic word for everything is "TRAIN".  You would have think I would have figured that out by now :).
Chat's grandmother from Oregon was here for over a week after Christmas.  It was wonderful to have to here and spend time with the boys.  I think Ben really liked it too :). 
He is so into books right now.  He always get this book and follows me all around the house with it mooing.  It is his absolute favorite book right now.  I really love the stage he is at right now.
Well thats about it for our ordinary/extraordinary days.  The boys are both napping at the same time (yahoo!!!!) so I feel a good 30 minute power nap on the couch coming on.  Let's hope I can fall asleep before the buzz of the laundry timer calls my name. 

1 comment:

Meagan @ The Clanahan Fam said...

Oh girl. I have such love for the planner. I almost hyperventilated when I hadn't gotten my 2013 one yet & I was out of days. Ran straight to the store & spent probably a good hour filling in everything. LOVE it. I will NEVER be a computer/iphone girl when it comes to planners!