Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Here the latest news on the what's been going on lately with our crew:

1.  I am sick again.  I feel like a broken record.  One day I will be healthy and be able to breathe out of my nose and possibly not cough every two minutes.  I didn't know it was possible to blow my nose as much as I have the last three days.  I just had to stop and blow four times during the time it took me to write this little paragraph. I know I am old when I google "how to boost immune system". I walk around with toilet paper up my nose. 
2. Ben choked again last night.  He starts turning red, stares at me in pure panic and no sound is coming from his mouth.  Thens he sobs uncontrollably when the ordeal is over.  Maybe it is because my finger is all the way down his throat.  At least I think he is choking, and I don't feel that I can wait and see or it might be with a terrible consquence.  It was on a wheat thin and the actual piece I fished out wasn't that big.  So I don't know why he is choking.  I decided to book a pediatrian appointment for tomorrow to discuss what is going on with him.  I can't handle the fear and panic anymore that I experience when Ben eats.  Something is off and I am about to keel over in anxiety and sadness for him.

3.  We went to my uncle's funeral yesterday.  It was a sad day for my family, especially my grandmother.  We brought the kids to Victoria and tried to keep them happy and quiet during the service (a full mass).  Since that didn't work AT ALL, we realized there was a cry room (thank you Catholics!) and my sister and I scooted all three kids in there.  They had a ball.  Which is hard to type since I know it was such a sad occasion, but they had a room all to themselves to scream, cry, run, babble, jump, fall, and toddle.  My sister and I felt like we were run over by a truck afterward, but at least we didn't disrupt the service and we could see/hear it all.  And even in the midst of so much sadness, the kiddos were there to brighten everyone's day...

4. Luke's birthday invite was sent out about a week ago and we are ready to get our party on!  He is having it with his friend Greta this year since their birthdays are just a day apart and over half the guests are the same for both of them.  It is at a jump place and we hope they will have a bouncing good time!

5.  Luke and Ben fight all the time.  Unless we are outside.  We are outside a lot

6.  Luke is loving baseball right now!  Which makes Chat so, so, so happy.  He went and bought a bunch of wiffle balls at Academy and put them in a big bucket.  Luke will put one after the other on the tee and just swing away.  We think he took at least 130 swings the other night.  I think these are the moments Chat dreamed about when he heard he was having sons.

7.  Ben loves baseball too.  (Cue happy dance from Chat)

8.  Luke has finally got the hang of pooping in the potty!  He has been peeing in the potty fabulously for several months.  He is in underwear all the time except for nighttime and some naps (if I think he drank a lot or feel he might sleep a long time).  But pooping has been harder.  But he is doing much better and he has come a long way.  It is amazing at what the promise of a sour gummy worm can do for a 2 year old!

9. We have a few trips planned in the coming months and I am super excited!  One by myself with some friends (to Kerrville to visit Lindsay!), one with the kiddos and Chat (road trip to Jackson, Mississippi - say prayers) and one with just Chat to Napa in April.  All of them are overdue and I can't wait! 

10.  Boys are so dirty.  At least my boys are!  If there is mud or dirt in the area, they will find it.


11.  I feel that the last few months have been a rather hard season for us.  Lots of sickness, Ben's choking issues, moving my grandmother to Houston, my uncle's death.  It has been taking its toll on my parents and that is hard to watch.  I am ready for the spring to bring health, peace and comfort and a little fun a long with it. 


Leah said...

Health is such a blessing! One I took for granted for way to long! I am firm believer that babies steal your immunity from illness so that first yr or 2 is hard on mama bc you are getting sick with all the junk. I think it is smart to listen to your intuition. You know something just isn't right with all the choking and surely the Dr. can begin to help shed some light and give you some peace! Hang in there, girl! Peace is on its way!

Brittney said...

I'm so sorry about the difficult things your family is experiencing. I hope your health is restored soon, and that your ped's able to help figure out what's going on with your son's choking. I'm also sorry about your Uncle's passing.

Glad to hear you have some bright spots though, too. Baseball is such a wonderful sport! And those trips sound like such fun. And YAY for potty-training. We're in the throes of it and I know what a challenge it is! Hope life gets better for you all.