Friday, May 18, 2012


Lately, it has been extremely challenging to change Luke's diaper.  He either runs away from us, won't sit still long enough, kicks, cries, screams, etc.  It is lovely. We are still far away from potty training so I know this is what our future looks like for at least the next few months.  Things need to change

Today, we got home from Mother's Day Out and a funky aroma spread throughout the living room.  {Side note: Luke does not poop at school.  Monday is our last day of the school year and he has not pooped once at school.  He goes either 5 minutes before we leave the house or 5 minutes after we get home.  Smart boy.} I knew I needed to change his diaper for the sake of all of our noses, but as he sees me grab the wipes and a new diaper, he starts to run and climb on his train table so I can't get him.

I decided to stop fighting him.  So I gave him two options:

1.  Lay down nicely and let me change his diaper and then continue playing.
2.  Go to time out.

Guess which one he picked?



Meagan @ The Clanahan Fam said...

ha! That's funny - strong willed boy. Maybe he is ready to potty train or introduce the potty at least??? If he holds it at school, then he obviously is starting to know his body. Quinn & Ryan do the same thing - neither of them went #2 at school the entire year. We're not ready to potty train around here either (at least Mommy isn't ready for that madness) but we did buy them potties that we let them sit on before bathtime, bedtime and when they get up. Just an idea for you if you haven't already done that...

Bethany Lenhart said...

Hi Megan! We have a little potty and he sits on it before bathtime. He likes to sit on it, but the minute his buns hit the seat, he is up. No real interest yet and the way he soaks his diapers, scare the begeezus out of me to potty train. I am trying to be patient, but man, the diaper changing is the pits!

Meagan @ The Clanahan Fam said...

I think for boys it takes a bit longer too - I think Ryan will be happy to go in his pants for much longer than Quinn wants to tolerate it : ) I am just waiting a few more months for her and then showing her what big girl panties look like and basically bribing her. For Ry, I have no clue what to do - so I am sure one day sooon we will have the same problem as you as changing Luke's diaper. And there's nothing stronger than a 2+year old who is fighting mad and doesn't want his diaper changed. : ) Good luck!!! Hope you guys are well - minus diaper changing issues : )