Sunday, May 13, 2012

{5 Months & Mother's Day}

Well we have made it to 5 months!  Ben officially turned five months old yesterday so I thought I would share a few updates on him:

  • Ben has become much  more active this month!  No more laying around for this guy.  He now wants to be in the action!  He reaches for things, flaps his arms and kicks his legs.  It is adorable!  But makes is much harder to hold him and do anything with him in my arms.
  • He is starting to bounce when I have him standing on my lap and when he is in his exersaucer.
  • He is almost sitting up on his own.  I have to keep something behind him because he falls backwards at times and occasionally he falls to the side, but overall he is doing great and has become very strong in the past couple of weeks!  I think a few more weeks and he will be a pro.  You can see him sitting in this picture...
  • Ben is much more into toys now.  He reaches for them, can grab them and even change hands when holding them.  And, of course, he is putting them all in his mouth. 
  • He doesn't have any teeth yet and no signs of them.  Woohoo!  I hope they stay away a long time because I don't want the effects of teething in this house anytime soon!
  • I think he weighs about 23 pounds now and he seems very long, but I have no idea the measurement.  We will find out at his 6 month check-up in June.
  • Ben has perfected rolling from back to stomach and has now become a 50/50 stomach sleeper.  Half the time he sleeps on his back (the way I put him down) and the other half the time he is on his tummy.
  • Speaking of comment.  I feel the minute I discuss his sleep, you-know-what hits the fan. 
  • Ben naps about 3 times a day now.  He sleeps only about 30 to 45 minutes in the morning, takes a longer afternoon nap and then another short nap around 5:00 pm.  I am trying to get him to take two of those naps in his crib.  It works some days and not others depending on where I have to be with Luke. 
  • He goes to bed around 7:45 pm and wakes up anywhere between 6:30 and 8:15 am. 
  • He is still not into food at all.  If you don't believe me, try.  You will quickly learn that this boy wants nothing to do with oatmeal or any pureed fruit or vegetable by the look on his sweet face. 
  • Ben does love his milk though!  He is still a great nurser and eats about 5 times a day.  We are finally on a 3 hour schedule, so it has given me some flexibility if I need to run out for an errand.  He was doing okay with the bottle, but then we didn't give him one for about a week or two since he was sick and now he is refusing again.  Sigh.
  • He is wearing size 4 diapers.
  • Ben has discovered the dogs!  And he seems to be just as a crazy animal lover as the rest of us.  He will belly laugh when they are near and reaches out to grab them.  If Chloe or Trudy licks his hands or feet, he goes crazy with laughter!
  • Ben is crazy in love with Luke.  He squeals with delight whenever he is around.  It is just awesome to watch as a mom.
  • He is still a sweet, happy baby who brings me so much joy.  I just love him soooo much!
Oh and it is Mother's Day!  I brought Luke to get a haircut and then Chat and the boys took me to lunch.  We plan to head to my mom's house later tonight to celebrate with her.  Motherhood is not easy, actually pretty hard at times with a 2 year old and baby.  But it has been the most incredible experience.  I didn't know I could love two boys as much I do and I feel so blessed that I get to be their mommy.  Even on the hard days :).


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