Tuesday, March 31, 2015

{Luke: 5 Years Old}

I am finally getting around to putting up Luke's 5 year old update! Only a little late :). But at least I am getting it done before another month rolls around and we add another child to the mix!

1.  Luke is 3'9.75" (93%) -- He is up about three inches from last year. He is on the tall side among his peers, but I see other kids catching up and him not being a head taller -- just maybe more like an inch or two or three. Luke is still the spitting image of his Chat. He wears XS or S in boys (no longer toddlers!) for clothes now and is growing like a weed!

{Waiting in the doctor's office!}

2.  He weighs 50 lbs 6.4 oz (92%) -- He gained about five pounds in the last year. He was in the 96% last year, so he is slowing down in weight. He is long and lean, but very, very dense. He is still a pretty picky eater which can be frustrating especially since he and Ben like everything opposite. He will eat apples, dried cranberries, milk, carrots, waffles, toast, tortillas, broccoli, Chick Fil A, oranges and grapes. Oh and of course anything bad for him! He loves candy, fruit snacks, chips and anything else sugary. The good thing now is that he knows when it is time to eat healthy. He will ask for some fruit snacks, and all I have to say is that he needs to eat something healthy first and he will gladly eat an apple or something before getting a snack. We try to limit that stuff as much as we can.

3.  Luke passed his vision and hearing test at his check up -- although his vision has changed a bit to 20/25 in each eye. Chat got glasses in the 3rd grade so I am definitely watching for any changes for him with his sight. I don't wear glasses so who knows whose eyes he is going to get! Lately he has been asking for glasses though. He wants 'pretend' glasses -- ha! They are hard to find though!

4.  Luke still didn't like his blood pressure being taken. He is such an agreeable kid so it is funny when he freaks out. He acted a bit panicky and started to tear up and wouldn't really keep his arm still. So the reading wasn't super accurate, but okay. I am thinking maybe next year he will do better. We have a little vet kit as a toy and he has been playing with it. I guess I should have been practicing with that earlier!

5.  He wears an 13 or 1 shoe and his foot is still sooooooo wide. He is super into picking out his own shoes now (although still will wear whatever I ask him to). Just this past month, he desperately wanted new shoes but we had gotten some earlier in the year. So I told him we had to wait until April. You better believe on April 1st, he reminded me it was April and it was time! He then has had to tell everyone and show even strangers his brand new shoes. Did I mention they are neon yellow and neon orange? He LOVES them.

6.  Luke is currently a great writer and learning slowly how to read. He knows most of the sounds of all the letters and tries very hard to make words out. He spends lots of time at home making "cards" for us and for friends and asks how to spell things so he can write messages. He likes to also draw now and spends most nights coloring for a bit before bed. I got him tested for the GT/Vanguard program for our public school system and he did extremely well and qualified. One less thing we will have to worry about for next year!

7.  Luke is currently playing soccer, baseball and taking swimming lessons. He loves soccer and baseball so much. And loves throwing the football around the house and playing basketball on the driveway. He is going to a basketball camp this summer at Rice and I can't wait! At swim, he can swim the entire lap of the pool now and is making so much progress. He is in school four days a week as well. He handles it all like a champ and loves all of his activities! We try to spend any other time at home -- just playing and doing things here. The boys are true playmates, so other than fights that happen pretty occasionally (read ALL THE TIME), they really do entertain each other here at home. He also goes to Sunday School on Sundays and loves when Chat and I are his teachers (which is about once or twice a month).

8.  Luke is my sweet, kind boy. He constantly tells me how much he loves me and wants everyone to be happy and get along. I call him our peacemaker. The best is he tells me that I am his "Love" and "Sweetheart" all the time. Seriously, I hope this lasts forever. If I were to act upset with him, he immediately gets sad and tries to fix whatever it is that I am upset with him for. He really cannot handle Chat or I mad at him. He is a such good friend to others and his classmates and plays well with others -- which I am so thankful for!

9.  Luke love of trains is slowing down. He still talks about trains a lot and wants to pick out all things train, but in actuality, he doesn't play with his trains that much anymore. He is being more influenced by what his friends like too -- which kinda makes me sad at times. I will ask him about what he likes and his answers reflect what his buddies like (right now it is airplanes even though I never see him pick one up). But I know that is part of growing up and being part of a crew.

10.  He hates bugs, terrified actually. I am hoping this is a very quick phase because it is causing all sorts of issues. He flips out when he sees a mosquito in the house and has nightmares all around bugs. The good news is he actually wore a bandaid for the first time EVER about two weeks ago. Hoping that hatred is gone! What child hates bandaids?!?!? 

12.  Luke continues to be a great big brother. There are lots of arguing between Luke and Ben, but usually, Luke tries to fix it or stop it. When they are racing or competing in some way, Luke picks up that Ben gets so upset and always says things like, "Second is the winner Ben, so you are the winner...not me!'. He wants his brother to be happy. Just yesterday we were at the dentist and Ben was having some trouble sitting still and he was crying a bit when they were cleaning his teeth. Luke stops playing and comes stands by us and says, "Be brave Ben! I know you can do it!". He is Ben's biggest cheerleader. Again, it isn't always roses with those two, but they really do love each other.

I love my big guy so much and truly and such a proud mother. His kindness astounds me and I am so appreciative of it. He isn't perfect and has his moments (he is still very sensitive and cries at the drop of the hat), but overall, he is a wonderful little boy that I know is going to flourish this next year in Kindergarten.

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