Friday, March 20, 2015

{34 Weeks!}

I am officially 34 weeks! I am heading to the doctor on Monday for a check-up and an ultrasound so I will have more details then on how big this baby is, the position it is in and maybe start talking about its arrival!
Here is a bump pic -- 34 weeks

Bump comparison -- 31 weeks vs. 34 weeks (I've grown!)

For right now, I am dealing with is some major pregnancy insomnia which I have never had before. It totally stinks and I have gotten pretty tired. I wake up every 1.5 hours or so -- whether to go to the restroom or just because. It has been a bit challenging, but I know it could be a whole lot worse.

I had some high blood pressure at my last appointment and the doctor was concerned since I ended up with preeclampsia with Ben. So I have had to check my BP several times a week, and luckily, all has been okay. Not sure what happened at that appointment, but it has been normal since testing it at home. Phew!

I am having some serious Braxton Hicks contractions. Every time I get up, I feel like I have to use the restroom and have a BH contraction. The baby is literally sitting on my bladder and any movement makes it painful. It makes going anywhere without a restroom is very hard! We have had to forgo a few things lately because it is just too hard to get that feeling several times while just trying to walk around after the boys.

Feeling big and tired, but nothing too bad luckily which is great considering I am 34 weeks! I am getting anxious to get this little one here though! More details after Monday's appointment...

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