Sunday, June 10, 2012

{Date Night and Growing Up}

Chat and I went on our second date since Ben was born last night.  We had a wonderful time at Eddie V's for dinner with the fabulous company of some fun friends.  Of course, I continually say that all I want is a night away occasionally but when it comes, it is never quite as easy to leave.  Luke has trouble with goodbyes and I was just praying Ben stayed asleep and the babysitter didn't have to handle an upset baby who won't take a bottle.  My stomach is typically in my throat when we back out of the driveway.  But once we were out on the streets of Houston with our two carseats in the back empty, it felt like we were miles away

When we got to the swanky restaurant, we went to the bar to wait for our friends to arrive and have a drink.  I turned to Chat and laughing I said, "I feel like I am naked and everybody is staring at me."  It had been so long for me to be in a scene like that -- everyone dressed up like it was the Vegas strip, buzzing around, drinking cocktails, kids nowhere to be found.  I felt exposed and bare.  That everyone knew I didn't belong there.  It was a very bizarre feeling that quickly went away once I had a delicious glass of wine in my hands. Okay, four glasses.

The time away went by quickly, but was well spent laughing and socializing without having to cut up someone's food or nurse a baby.  It felt good to be out and about.  We arrived back at home around 10:30 pm and got a great report from the babysitter.  Phew.  Ben stayed asleep without a peep and Luke did pretty well.  He even crawled up in her lap to cuddle as he watched a movie.  Twenty minutes after she left, Ben woke up crying.  It was like he knew we were back. 

But with good reason.  Our little Ben is growing up!  He hasn't been sleeping so well these past few nights (shocker!) and has been making funny faces with his tongue like these....

Yep, Ben is getting his first tooth!  At the exact same age as Luke...a few days shy of being six months old.  It is just starting to poke through his gums and I expect for it to make its full arrival in the coming week. 

And there are some other big changes for our big guy...looks like he is ready to start moving.  He is starting to get up on his knees and do a few push-ups.  Guess he is ready to shed a few of the pounds he has been carrying with some cardio workout!

Lots has been going on and I can't wait to head to the pediatrician's office on Wednesday for a full report on my little big dumpling. 

I am now going to go nurse my nagging headache.  Clearly from my four glasses of wine and my teething bebe... 

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