Wednesday, June 13, 2012

{Ben: 6 Months}

Ben turned 6 months old yesterday!  I can't believe how fast the last six month have flown when I look back -- although sometimes I felt it inched by as it was happening (ah, the life with a baby).  Ben has clearly turned from an infant to now a baby who is babbling, moving like crazy and growing big and strong these past couple of months.  Here are some updates on this dumpling:

1.  Ben is still a big old boy!  We went to the pediatrician today and he weighed in at 24lbs 12oz (100%) and measured 28.75" in length (100%).  He is putting Luke to shame when he was this age.  The pediatrician once again assured me that this is okay that he is this big.  She says it is due to genetics and some very fattening breast milk that I am producing and that he will start to slim down when he starts crawling/walking (aka doing his cardio) and eating more table food.  My arms can't wait!

2.  Ben is wearing size 4 diapers during the day and size 5 at night.  Although he still loves to drench his pjs at night and have the occasional blow-out during the day.  Specifically today at the pediatrician where he pooped on everything -- me, him, the carseat, the doctor's table, etc.  He is wearing 12 to 18 month clothes. Once his tummy slims down, I hope we have more options for clothing.  The whole 'shorts up to his nipples' look just isn't cutting it.    

3.  He has recently gotten his first tooth!  No more seem to be on the horizon, but I know they are coming.  I can't wait to see what he looks like with a toothy grin.

4.  Ben is moving like crazy!  He sits up perfectly with no support.  He is up on his knees and rocking back and forth as well so I can only assume he will be crawling in the next few weeks (hold me).  He turns in all directions and can scoot himself across the room backwards inching like a worm.  A fat little worm.

5.  He LOVES to bounce in his bouncer that hangs from the doorway.  Luke never liked this bouncer, but we have definitely put it to use this time around.  He bounces all day long!  It just shows you how two babies can be so different.

6.  Ben nurses 4 to 5 times a day and I have continued to try feeding him oatmeal/rice and some baby fruits and veggies.  To which he continues to stick his tongue out, gag and his eyes water every time.  He does not like it. I think he is going to stick to nursing primarily much to my dismay.   

7.  Benny Boy loves to smile and laugh.  He is the most smiley baby and just laughs all day long.  He loves to particularly smile at me, laugh at the dogs and belly laugh at Luke.  There is absolutly no better sound than his belly laugh.  Just listen....

8.  Sleep.  Oh sleep.  We have taken a few steps forward and now a million steps back.  He still wakes up a lot.  We have tried to let him cry, but he is just struggling.  But to be honest, I give him mixed signals.  Half the time I go in, half the time I let him fuss.  Argh!  He goes down around 7:30 or 8:00 pm every night and wakes up between 6:15 and 7:30 am.  And then the many times in between.  What can I say?  I do not birth sleepers.  AT ALL.  I say tiny prayers every day that he will start sleeping better or that I find the strength to deal with it for several more months.

9.  Napping.  We had made some progress, but I think due to these darn teeth he is still enjoying his 45 minute power naps.  I put him down awake and he fusses anywhere between 30 seconds and 15 minutes before falling asleep.  He naps from 30 minutes to an hour and 20 minutes.  But not a minute more.  He is consistently doing about 3 shorter naps a day. 

10.  Ben has some awesome hair.  He sports a mohawk pretty darn well and is just adorable doing it.

11.  Ben got 3 shots today and didn't cry.  He looked up at me and did wimper on the last one, but never cried.  I was shocked, but so happy :).  I hate hearing cries that come from something that hurts.

That's about all I have to update on right now.  He is busy growing and we are loving watching him.  At times, things get hard and a bit sticky with having two little ones.  I am really tired most days and can't wait for the day I can wear a normal bra.  There are tears, frustration, impatience.  But for the most part, there are smiles, laughs and happiness.  Overall we are finding our way as a family of four and enjoying what we find.  Now if I could just get a nap in...

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