Thursday, March 17, 2011

{Worn Out}

This week has been one busy week. Very busy. But oh so good. We have reached a new stage with Luke. Call it being a year old, walking or the time change...I am not exactly sure, but all of a sudden we have our life back. That sounds bad to say, but I don't mean it that way at all. I mean we have our 'out-and-about, busy life' back. When you have a baby that goes to bed by 7:00 pm and is 20+ pounds of dead weight that you have to lug around on your hip, you tend to stay home. We spent the last 12 months staying home, eating in and watching tv. We needed to stay in and it was good for us. But before Luke, we were an 'on-the-go' type of family, always making plans and going from one thing to the next. And with Luke's new independence, somehow we have found ourselves back there.

This week we have been going from sun up to sun down. From rodeos, to baseball games, to state parks. We have done it all! It feels great to be 'out and about' again, but man am I tired. And I think Luke is too, although sometimes it is hard to tell...

1 comment:

Emily said...

What a great post! So there is a light at the end of the tunnel?! Being home bound is necessary and the right thing to do with a little baby, but boy am I looking forward to "getting my life back" as well!