Sunday, March 27, 2011

{It Happened}

One of my biggest fears since Luke became mobile happened this afternoon...he fell. He fell hard...and hurt himself. We were at my parent's house and we were playing outside on the back patio which we have done hundreds of times. Out of nowhere, he was walking too fast and tripped over his feet and went face first into a large, concrete pot. I heard his head hit the concrete (that horrific sound of bone hitting something solid) and I swear my heart stopped. The next 10 minutes were a blur. All I remember is racing to pick up my screaming child and blood gushing out of his mouth. I couldn't see in his mouth due to all the blood (and the blood curdling screaming), so I had no idea what was hurt. After using towels to soak up the blood, his clinging to me, his comforting blanket and his pacifier, I was able to get him to calm down a bit. He sliced his tongue really bad (hence the bleeding) and banged up his chin. It could have been so much worse which is even scarrier. I think the whole thing was as traumatic for me as it was for him. With all the crying, he wore himself out and fell asleep on me like this. He is now fast asleep doped up on tylenol in his crib. I realized no matter how much you try to protect your children, things just happen. It just broke my heart to see him so hurt. I hope things like this don't happen too often....I don't think my heart could handle it.


Leah said...

We have had that a couple of times. Brody fell off of the picnic table last summer and landed on his head. Yes...the sound of head banging on concrete sends chills down my spine and the heart stops. I thank God that we are friends with our Dr. and we can text him whenever. He's on our speed dial. We just had another goose egg fall a month ago. But with 2 boys, I have to prepare myself for this stuff.

Meant to be a mom said...

Oh isn't it seriously just the worst. Just reading this made me cringe!! I can't stand when my little man gets hurt. I'm terrified of it happening more and more now that I've seen it happen a few times.

I'm so sorry to hear you had to see that. Poor baby.

Emily said...

Oh NO!!!!! I am so sorry! Poor Luke and poor you! I'm sure it was much more traumatic for you. I hope his wounds heal very quickly.