Monday, March 14, 2011

{My Little Fish}

Today Luke started swim class! It was a 30 minute 'mommy and me' class that started bright and early this morning. He practiced kicking, splashing, blowing bubbles under water and floating on his back. Overall he did pretty well!! The teachers said he did great for his first time. I think sometimes he looked at me with "what the heck are we doing?" eyes and at times would grab on to me very tightly (as in 'don't you dare let me go!!'), but other than that he was the perfect little fish!

I just love the little swim diapers they are required to wear! I am not sure Luke is so sure...

I think the highlight of the morning though was snack time with his pal Cooper in the changing stall after the lesson. They enjoyed some graham crackers while their moms quickly got dressed!

1 comment:

Meant to be a mom said...

I absolutely love his little swimming gear. What a cutie.
I'm glad he likes the classes. I've been seriously thinking of signing my son up for these this spring.

I've heard great things about them.