Sunday, December 29, 2013

{My Models}

I got a new camera lens for Christmas from my parents since mine bit the dust about three months ago.  It was hard being without a camera all that time, but it was worth the wait because I absolutely love it!  It was a beautiful, sunny day today and the boys were playing outside so it was the perfect time for my little models help me break in my new lens.  I got some really cute pictures of the boys!

Today was the first day in probably two weeks that we had nothing on our calendar and we could just lay low at home as a family.  I think I needed it just as much as the boys did.  I had noticed that Ben especially over the last few days had been struggling and I can tell he needed some time at home with just us.  I love the holidays and all the fun it brings, but sometimes it feels so good just to be at home with my little family, doing the little things that don't seem all that special, but really are the things that I treasure the most...


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