Friday, May 31, 2013

{Last Day of Soccer}

A few Thursdays back was Luke's last day of soccer.  I am not too sad as the summer league starts in just a week or two in which we will surely melt with the scorching heat and 100% humidity.  But the last practice was sweet and precious, and so memorable.  I actually didn't know they had any formal ending to signify their achievement, so it was a fun surprise.  I have come to the conclusion that there isn't much cuter than 3 year old soccer. The boys did their normal practice but at the end they got to stand up one by one and get their medal and certificate...

And then they got to do their final team huddle and cheer...

And of course, they had to line up for team pictures....

And then we took a few of Luke and his close buddies (although we were missing one of his best buddies Cooper!).  Luke loves these guys!

This just reminds me how quickly time is going and how big Luke is getting.  I have always been one that is ready for the next stage.  I loved each stage, but honestly was ready when my baby turned to toddler and then toddler turned to preschooler.  But right now?  Right now I wouldn't mind having time stand still for just a little longer.

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