Wednesday, May 8, 2013

{Baby Bird & Buddies}

I have decided that I won't be taking Ben into any thunderstorms anytime soon.  Because he will surely be struck by lightening.  Because strange things just keep happening to him...

This past Sunday evening we were all outside in the front yard.  Luke was running around and Ben was swinging as usual.  Our friends, The Caseys, were on a walk and came by and we were all chatting in the front yard watching the kids play.  It was so fun and such great weather!  Then all of a sudden Ben started screaming.  We all look at him and there was a bird in his lap.  A baby bird fell out of a nest in the tree that his swing was on and landed in his lap and got stuck there between Ben's stomach and the swing.  Ben was strapped in and the bird was right where we needed to undo the straps.  He was screaming and crying, Chat was panicking trying to figure out what to do, I started screaming, and all the while the bird was flapping and freaking out.  It probably only last about 15 seconds really, but it was a loooooong 15 seconds.  We finally tilted the swing and the bird fell to the ground and then we pulled Ben out and I tried to call him down since he was in tears.

After it was all over, we all just looked at each other laughing wondering if that just really happened?!?!  Out of that whole area, that bird fell in that small space on Ben.  I am just glad there were friends there that witnessed it because I wouldn't have believed it.  After that I have realized that Ben is just our special child that strange and weird things are going to happen to.  It is such a hoot when it is not giving me heart attacks!

In other news, my boys are starting to play together!!!  For the past six months all I have heard is fighting and screaming, but I think we are turning a corner.  One night this week, they played trains side by side for 45 minutes.  They took turns and Luke was patient and tried to "teach" Ben how to play with them.  It was precious.  I was so very proud of Luke. 

Then the other night I overhear this:

Luke:  "Ben, do you want to play catch?"
Ben:  {Nods}

And then they played!  Luke picks up this little, blue, deflated football and throws it at Ben.  Ben giggles and runs to get it and then runs and hands it back to Luke.  Luke throws it again...and so on!  It probably only lasted about four throws, but it was so fun to watch.  It was all on their own and they were just being buddies.

The weather has been so beautiful it has lead to lots of outside play and lots of opportunity to bond.  Like when they got their "swords" and ran around the yard after the dogs...

The moments are giving me so much joy!  Of course, there are still fights and not-so-fun moments, but these times are starting to become more common and I am just enjoying the heck out of them!  This is what I imagined when I thought of having two little boys...

1 comment:

Meagan @ The Clanahan Fam said...

Oh Bethany. I have to admit your description of this had me laughing until I was almost crying. Poor, poor sweet Ben! What are the odds??? I wonder if he will have fear of baby birds later on? :) btw, y'all all look so healthy and happy! Happy Mother's Day, my friend!