Friday, May 10, 2013

{Early Mother's Day}

We celebrated Mother's Day early in my little family.  Since Chat is having to work this weekend and I know that we had to celebrate our own mothers and grandmothers this weekend, we thought it would be a good idea to celebrate on Thursday since our calendar was wide open.  Chat suggested a picnic at the park and I loved the idea!
We packed up the kids and their lunches, picked up some hamburgers for Chat and I and headed to a park we don't frequent that often.  It has the most beautiful, huge oak trees of any park (although you can't see any in the pictures below) and it is one of my favorites.  What I would have done to been able to climb trees like this when I was young.  This park is just different for some reason, and I love that we save it for special times and for just the four of us. 
It was an overcast day, so not too hot luckily.  The boys wanted to play more than eat, and that was okay by me, although we did get them to sit for a little bit.  
Mostly the boys wanted to swing.  It is literally the only thing Ben likes to do at the park now and will stay swinging for an hour or more.  And he will scream his little head off if you try to get him out before he is ready.  I always like to ask, "You ready to get out?" and every time I get a very loud "NO!".  Oh Benny.  Luke is loving the big boy swing and likes going "super high" or "crazy high".  We still have to push him, but we are working on teaching how to pump his legs.  Chat jumped on as well and so did I at one point.  I have to agree with my kids...swinging is fun!
We did play on the other equipment and then the slide for a bit as well.  It really was so fun for the four of us to spend that time together and really play.  I couldn't have asked for more...

Wish I would have showered and been in clothes other than those meant for the gym to make for some better pictures, but oh well.  We ended the outing with an ice cream cone from McDonalds then headed home for naps.  I really do love times like these shared with my three boys :).  It is so sweet of Chat to come up with things like this to help celebrate special times.

Luke came home with this beauty from school today (he is in the Panda class at school...hence the panda).  I love these little gifts we get made by the boys!  Now just hoping I can keep the plant alive...


1 comment:

Brittney said...

Such sweet pics! Glad you had an enjoyable Mother's Day with your family.