Thursday, March 21, 2013


Luke had his first soccer practice today...well, his first sport practice ever today.  We signed up for soccer on Thursdays at 4:00 pm.  It would last about 40 minutes and hopefully would be pretty painless.  We signed up with three of his best friends so I really didn't put much thought into it until today...when I realized that his three friends wouldn't be there for his first day.  Cue minor freak out.  But I figured it was really me worrying for no reason and he would be okay.  He has grown up so much in the last few months. (Rookie mistake)  Well, he was okay.  For about 5 minutes...

Then came the realization that he was on his own and that mommy and daddy were in plain sight (due to those darn water breaks - can't we just leave so we are not a constant reminder that we are not with them?!?!).  Then Luke wanted to be at my side, not participating in soccer whatsoever.  I tried very hard to be strong and be empathetic but also encourage him to participate.

Ummmmm, that didn't really work.

Then Chat, who had been walking Ben all around came back to the scene.  He went over to Luke and said, "If you go play soccer, I will give you candy after practice is over." Cue major glare from the me in his direction. 

And guess who smiled and went prancing back to practice.

Ahhh!  That little turkey!  He participated and had fun the last 20 minutes of practice after literally hanging on my leg and sobbing for 15 minutes.  Totally different kid when Twizzler Bites are at stake. And the first thing he said as he walked off the field... "Can I get my candy now?"

I just got back from dinner where I had two large margaritas.


Emily said...

Hilarious! When of the best posts yet!

Brittney said...

Haha! Sometimes you gotta do whatcha gotta do:) I love it..I am all for bribing as a last resort. Glad your son's first soccer practice was successful after all! Btw that pic of him crying is just precious. Aww!

AP said...

Hahahaha- oh my!