Sunday, March 10, 2013

{Boys Being Boys}

Wow, boys just do boy things from the beginning, don't they?  I have noticed differences growing between the boys and girls in our group of friends lately, but this hit me right between the eyes.

Luke is wrestling.

Like roll around on the grass and pin each other down wrestling.  Of course, laughing the whole time.

My friend Whitney and I just look at each other in disbelief (although I guess we both knew this was bound to happen).  What do we do?  Where did they learn this?  Do we let them?  When do we step in?  Is this normal?

After all the stares back and forth, we decided yes. This is normal and we are going to let it happen.  Just as long as they are on the ground (versus on top of a play structure or jungle gym which did happen) and that both boys are having fun.  We are there to make sure no one gets pinned down against their will or someone doesn't go too far and winds up getting hurt.  After three years of preaching "no hitting!" and "no pushing!" and "hands to yourself" this is where we are at.

Which makes this actually really funny.  Luke and Cooper wrestled for like 10 minutes and had a ball.  It's like we almost saw all their little boy energy floating out of their bodies and they were more balanced afterwards. 

So I don't get to do barbies and make-up.  I get wrestling.  And it is so funny, I just have to laugh.

Without further ado, the wrestling match...



AP said...

Oh my! Sounds like a good way to handle things, though you're stronger than me!! :) My fav pic is the one with the little girl (sister?) just staring at them- hysterical! Hope everyone is feeling better!

Brittney said...

Ha! That is funny. Cute pics. And I have to say I totally agree with you on your approach - we haven't reached that stage yet but I have four nephews and they 'rough-house' all the's probably healthy for boys' development:)