Friday, September 7, 2012

{That Amazing Mouse}

Guess who is dropping his nap?  It has been several days with Luke singing, talking, jumping and playing in his crib for hours during naptime.  But no sleeping.  And so do you want to know what not napping looks like after a few days? 

We had a good day today.  Actually a great day.  Until 6:30 pm.  Guess several days with no nap finally caught up to him and tiredness got the best of Luke because he lost it.  He lost it during dinner.  He lost it during his bath.  He lost it in the den.  He lost it...well you get it.  The poor boy was tired.  So after 45 minutes of straight sobbing, I held up my white flag and called in the big guns.  Mickey Mouse and his whole dang, weird-talking crew.  I put on that darn show, sat Luke on the couch with his milk and blanket, and let that little mouse do his magic.  Within 2 minutes, Luke was relaxed, fixated on some dance that Mickey, Donald and Pluto were doing as they jiggled a peanut so a baby elephant would come down from a tree. 

I love that mouse.  He saved the night. 

Luke went to bed after one episode and I haven't seen him move an inch in his bed. 

Motherhood kicked my tail tonight. I am bringing this to you from the couch in my living room as I inhale a whole box of Nila Wafers.  I sure do hope Luke naps tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

So, maybe you should take him out of the crib and try a bigger bed. He might just need more space and then he might nap.

Brittney said...

Aww! Poor Mama and kiddo! I'm so sorry. We've had days of 'off' sleep with John and I know the feeling..the want-to-pull-your-hair-out-from-sheer-frustration feeling! Glad you made it thru the day. Thank goodness for lifesavers like the Mickey Mouse show;)

Brittney said...
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Julia said...


This is so random, but I couldn't find an email to send a note to you. I stumbled across your blog while Ben was in the hospital with RSV. My own son, now six months old, had a very similar experience when he was 2.5 weeks old. We were hospitalized for two weeks, in the PICU (although narrowly avoided intubation), dealt with two secondary infections, etc etc etc. Grayson recently has gotten his first, very mild cold since his hospitalization. He has been wheezing terribly for the past three weeks and nothing is seeming to help. It makes me SO SO SO nervous for the fall/winter. I was wondering if you have had any residual wheezing issues with Ben since his hospitalization and how you are handling those. I am sorry this is so long-winded and random, but i would love to talk to a mom who has been in the same boat that I was.

You can email me at spaldingjulia at hotmail dot com.
