Friday, September 21, 2012

{Big Boy Bed}

Well my first-born is officially a big boy and practically shocked the heck out of me this week. 
{First let me begin by saying that I had not planned to put Luke in a big boy bed until he was around three in Febraury.  He is the only one of his friends that was still in a crib, but he slept well in it and seemed secure and happy, so I didn't want to rock the boat, especially when his little brother wakes up all night long.  I didn't want two children who weren't sleeping well.}
On Thursday, I went to put Luke down for a nap around 1:00 pm.  When I put him in his crib and turned to leave, he got hysterical.  Like really hysterical.  He cried like hadn't cried in a long time.  It got me worried, so I went back to him and asked him what was wrong.  His answer?
"That bed."  And he points to the twin big boy bed that has been in his room the past year. 
The bed that we never have talked about.  That we never even have really acknowledged.  The bed that I didn't even really know he noticed until Thursday afternoon. 
So I responded, "Do you want to sleep in that bed?"  "Yes."
And so he went.  I laid him down and he asked to read a few books and we did.  Then I kissed him and told him to have a good nap and I closed the door.  This is what I found about 10 minutes later.
He slept about two hours and then I woke him up because I wanted him to go to bed at a decent time that night.  I was shocked that he asked to sleep there.  Dumbfounded actually. 
I didn't know what to do about the night that was quickly approaching, but I wanted to be prepared in case he wanted to sleep there that night.  We ran out and bought some bed rails and got them set up.  Then we waited for nighttime to see what would happen.
And what happened?  He chose the big boy bed.  And he slept there all night without a peep.  And he waited for us to come get him out this morning.
And guess where he is right now?!?! his big boy bed for the second night.
I am actually really surprised by how this happened, but so happy how this all turned out.  He ended up telling us when he was ready and he took the lead.  It was unexpected, but so nice.  We were so proud of him and told him so, but overall it really it wasn't a big thing - just another day but in a different bed. It felt right and that is sometimes hard to feel when dealing with a two year old at times. 

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