Wednesday, September 12, 2012

{Ben's First Day}

My sweet Ben is nine months old today!!!  I find it almost hard to believe.  He goes for his check-up on Monday so I will post more about what he is up to developmentally then.  Right now, he is currently rocking a two hour nap since he started school today!  So many big changes :).  Ben is going one day a week to the same Mother's Day Out program that Luke is in.  Overall he did great today...besides not taking a bottle the whole time he was there.  But he was still happy as can be, so we will just work on it.  I sent him with just formula hoping he would drink that instead of sending pumped milk, but no such luck. We will get there eventually.

After about an hour of him being there, one of the director's there emailed me this picture...

Soooooo cute!!!  Apparently he almost didn't make the stroller ride because the straps were almost not big enough.  He gave all the teachers a little chuckle and apparently was the talk of all the other parents who got this picture.  What a little big ham!

Here is to a great school year!

1 comment:

Brittney said...

Aww. So glad your adorable little man's enjoying school!!