Tuesday, July 3, 2012

{Cowboy Ben}

I have a few updates on this guy....

1.  Ben is finally napping well!  Over the past couple of weeks, he has started taking longer naps than just 30 to 45 minutes.  At least once a day, he does a two (or close to it) hour nap which is amazing.  He usually will do shorter naps the rest of the day (sometimes not though), but I will take what I can get!  This has been a really, really good thing.

2.  The last two days Ben has taken a bottle!!!!  I hope I stick with this and he continues to take one at least once a day.  He fights it at first, but he eventually will take it.  I have to hold him away from me when I give it to him.  If he gets too close to my chest, he freaks out and wants the real deal.  We are working with pumped milk, but hoping he gets comfortable enough over the next few weeks and then I can start working on formula with him.  I would love to nurse him and give him bottles of formula -- that would be my ideal situation!  It has been a real challenge to not have him take a bottle over the past almost 7 months, so this is a wonderful gift.  I am really hoping we both stick with it!

3.  Sweet Benny Boy is still not sleeping well at night.  Most night he wakes up twice, usually around 2:00 and 5:00 am which I have been handling okay.  But some nights (like last night) he was up every 2 hours.  I think it is due to teething, but who knows?  I have been doing this online seminar with Moms On Call and they help guide you if you let them cry it out in a safe way.  They claim it will only take 3 nights total.  I know it is time -- Ben needs uninterupted sleep just as much as I do.  I just hate to hear him cry, so I am just not quite sure I am up for it just yet.  I wish there was another alternative to sleep training.  If I do the other methods like Ferber, No Cry Sleep Solutions, etc it just seems to make him crazy mad and it backfires.  I am really at a loss on what the right step is for us. 

{Like my bubble mustache?}

4.  This boy loves the water!  Whether it is the bathtub or the pool, he loves to splash.  It is quite adorable :).

5.  Ben wants to crawl so bad and he is close!  I think he still needs a few more weeks, but this big guy wants to M.O.V.E.  He is starting to get a bit frustrated so I know he is definitely motivated.  He is also starting to want to pull up.  He is doing it on me right now and loves to stand and hang on to something -- like the couch or coffee table.  My how fast they grow!

Guess that is about it for today!  We are heading to our neighborhood parade and carnival for July 4th tomorrow and then having a hamburger cook-out at my parents tomorrow.  Happy early Fourth of July!!

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