Thursday, October 27, 2011

{A Fun Little Wednesday}

The mosquitos have overtaken Houston recently and we are starting to feel like hostages in our own home. Since Luke is a kid that LOVES to be outside, the days have felt a little bit longer than they usually do :). So yesterday morning, Chat and I decided to take him to feed the ducks and ride the train at the Houston Zoo. We were just praying that they were spraying the mosquitos in the area and that we could spend a little time there and get Luke's energy out. Luckily, we had a great time with just a few mosquito bites to show for it!

One of Luke's first few words was "DUCK!" and boy did we hear it yesterday. He loved feeding them with Chat and also enjoyed snacking on the bread as well :). This kid is such an animal lover...

We then headed to the train to take a ride! Recently Luke has discovered trains and really has taken an interest. We hear "choo-choo" a lot from him and he loves watching trains on TV, reading about them in books (actually looking at the pictures and making the sound) and also playing with a few trains and a track that we have gotten him. Our little wiggle-worm has not always done so great on trains or anywhere where he has to sit for a long period of time. But he must be growing up or just really interested in trains now because he did great for the whole ride (minus a few wiggles towards the end)...

(starting to get restless...)

After the train, we decided to head into the zoo just for a bit since it was still early. We got to see the sea lions, the meerkats and the elephants before the mosquitos descended upon us and we decided it was time to head home....

(Love this one...they look so much alike)


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