Saturday, October 8, 2011

{29 Weeks And Counting...}

It is hard to believe I am already over 29 weeks pregnant with our second son! Even though it still seems like a far way off, I know December will be here before I know it and our family will quickly turn to four. Even though I still have almost 10 weeks left, I feel this pregnancy is going much faster than when I was pregnant with Luke. I think being distracted by a crazy toddler makes time just fly by. Here are few things about this pregnancy to note:
  • This baby is a mover (which I love)! He is always moving, at all times of the day. This is very different than with Luke. I would go days without feeling Luke (which scared the dickens out of me!), so I just love this reassurance I get that this baby is growing strong. His kicks are typically very low in my pelvic area which makes me think this baby is still head up. Oh and he loves kicking my bladder...a lot.
  • Many people have commented on my "pointy" belly. I have a torpedo-like roundness and it is making me look a bit further along than I am. When I tell people how many more weeks I have to go, I get very surprised looks and lots of commentary on where the baby is going to go over the next 2 1/2 months!
  • Not only has my belly increased in size, but my chest has too. I can be the poster child for national geographic. Enough said about that.
  • I do think this baby boy is a big one. I haven't had an ultrasound in about 9 weeks, so I don't know for sure, but every ultrasound in the past I have been 1 to 2 weeks ahead. I feel that this one might be bigger than Luke. I will get another ultrasound at 35 weeks and will be eager to see his size.
  • My sleep has not been good for the past 8 weeks or so. Due to the sheer weight of the belly and also having to wake up to pee about 3 times a night, I just don't get long stretches. I am up about every 2 to 3 hours. Guess I am already back into newborn mode.
  • Unfortunately we still don't have a name for this baby boy. I was really hoping to determine a name and share it before he was born (we waited until after Luke's birth to share his name). But I just don't think that will be the case. There are lots of names I like, but not that I just LOVE. I am hoping we come up with something and soon!
  • I am hot. Not "man, that girl is so hot"... more of "oh my goodness, I am so freakin' hot that I am sweating through my shorts". I got through our terrible summer feeling normal, but about 2 weeks ago my temperature increased and it has not changed. Poor Chat just looks at me as I turn our a/c up and turn on all the fans. I can't wait for cooler temps!
  • Even though this is my second pregnancy and second boy, I am having several "sprinkles" over the next month or so. I feel a little uneasy about this since this is the second and I don't want them to feel like they need to do anything since we have a lot of what we need, but I also feel so appreciative that I have such wonderful friends that are helping us celebrate this exciting new addition to our family.
  • Luke is oblivious to what is going on which makes me chuckle. He has no idea that I am pregnant or what a baby is, but he does like sticking his crayons in my funny looking belly button. He also loves for me to pick him up by the arms and he puts his feet on my belly and pushes off and flips over. I am not sure how that effects the baby, so we try to keep that to a minimum :). The other day I asked him if he wanted a baby brother. He looked at me and simply whined "no"...lets hope that changes by Decemeber. Ha!

(Belly picture at 29 weeks and 1 day)



Meagan @ The Clanahan Fam said...

So glad to see you posting again!! I was getting worried about you :) Glad all is well - belly looks precious!

Emily said...

You are adorable! You are 2/3 done, now onto the homestretch. You and I can both be on national geographic - sadly my boobs have not changed from pregnancy/breastfeeding. Annoying. Hopefully cooler weather will arrive shortly!

Megs said...

Yay :) you look fantastic! And Aiden is the same way about not having any idea what is about to happen and how it will affect him! He does know that when I ask where the baby is, he will point at my belly and say "baby". But again, he has no idea what that truly means lol. I am only about 5 weeks away right now and will be getting another ultrasound this week because I am measuring 2 weeks ahead...hoping this baby isn't getting too big! Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy!