Tuesday, February 26, 2013

{Friends or Enemies?}

I have been pretty honest about Luke and Ben's relationship.  That they fight constantly.  That all I hear every day is screams coming from whatever room they are in.  Luke eggs on Ben.  Ben eggs on Luke.  Lather, rinse, repeat.  Can someone pass me the bottle of wine?

When I found out that I was having another boy, I dreamt of two little guys frolicking in the grass on a warm, spring day.  They would be best friends from the get-go and be immediate playmates.  What was I thinking??  I knew there would be wrestling matches and arguments, but I never expected there to be so much turmoil when they were at the young ages of one and three.  Geez louise boys!

But lately I have seen some changes.  Nothing too drastic, but suttle differences that is making me a very happy mommy.

Tuesdays are usually our stay-at-home day.  Luke has school on Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday.  Ben goes on Wednesdays.  Thursdays usually bring us to the park, the zoo, a quick train ride, possibly a museum and then lunch with friends.  But Tuesdays are the day we have nothing planned.  Sometimes I wish we had something when the boys are swinging from the rafters, but most days I find it such a blessing to be able to stay home and let the boys just be boys outside in the dirt and sun.

This morning was no different...except they were playing with each other.  And laughing.  Oh my goodness, the laughing.  They were hiding in bushes and would hysterically laugh when they would pop out and see each other.  Luke showed Ben how to pick leaves from the boxwoods in our backyard.  Luke pulled Ben in the wagon all over the driveway with Ben roaring with laughter in the back.  The were climbing on their play structure together and Luke would yell "Ben" when he would get down in hopes he would join him back up on it.  We even experienced an unprompted "I'm sorry Ben" from Luke when he accidentally hurt Ben in the tent they were playing in.

Don't you love the view??

I am not sure what the change is and I am sure it will be business as usual tomorrow, but for today, I am loving that my boys are friends and playmates today.  Not sure why the change, but oh my goodness, if I can just have moments like these every once in a while, I might just make it through motherhood. 


Leah said...

Our boys are the best of friends or the worst of enemies. It was hard when they were so young because sharing and playing wasn't really a developmentally appropriate behavior to expect. But when you have a twin you share from creation! BUt it has gotten better and now they are super close friends (that still fight all the time!) ;)

Brittney said...

SO sweet. I can imagine the sibling rivalry is tough, even at this young age. Neat to see these great pics of your babies enjoying each other:)