Sunday, August 7, 2011

{Packing is for the Birds}

With less than one week untill our new house is officially ours, we are up to our ears in boxes! We are packing away and realizing just how much stuff we have and how much more work needs to be done (ugghh!). I will have to say that packing with a 17 month old has been interesting. Just when you get done packing a box, our little guy is having a ball unpacking it! He is finding the thrill in getting out all of our stuff and slinging it around the house. Hopefully we are still making progress even though we have had a few set backs due to his curiousity and restlessness :).

Chat and Luke got creative today and decided a fort (or two) was needed with all these boxes around. At least we are trying to have a little fun while we work!


1 comment:

AP said...

Luke is getting so big! Ally would have a blast unpacking the boxes too- you should see how she "helps" with laundry, hehe. Good idea with the forts :) Being army, I totally agree that moving is such a pain, that's why I want to purge nearly everything we own so we don't have so much to lug around!
Good luck with the move, especially in your baby-baking state! Hope you're staying cool!