Friday, August 5, 2011

{Boys Will Be Boys}

With temperatures in Houston well over 100, we are trying to find things to do with the kids inside so we don't melt. With Luke having so much energy, this is hard to do! So yesterday we went and visited the train table at Barnes and Nobles. Luke had a ball! He played with the trains (even learned to say "choo choo"), took out tons of books (sorry Barnes and Noble for the mess) and became fascinated with the escalators up to the 2nd floor.

They also had these little chairs all lined up, so we thought it would be a great idea to put all the boys in a chair and take a picture. FAIL!! You can't tell, but Luke was loving it and trying to do a little happy dance (which is why he is so blurry). His friend Connor was ok with it and his two other friends were very upset with having to sit in the chairs. It was hysterical! We can't wait for fall when we can play outside once again...


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