Sunday, October 3, 2010

{Finally Fall}

Fall has finally reached Houston! Due to the wonderful cooler weather (which means 80s here!), Luke and I went with our friends to Memorial Park on Friday for a picnic. Whenever I thought about becoming a mother, I imagined a day like Friday...hanging out at the park, swinging on the swingset, spending the day enjoying my son. Here are some fun pictures!

The kiddos on the picnic blanket...

The kiddos swinging....

1 comment:

Meagan @ The Clanahan Fam said...

The weather has been AMAZING. Glad you got to take Luke to the park. Too fun - I finally have been able to stroll with the babies in the late afternoon w/o all of us dying from heatstroke. gotta love these 4 weeks in H-town when we finally have seasons :)