Monday, October 4, 2010

{All Day, Every Day}

Here are a few videos of what Luke does all day, every day. Let me repeat....all day, every day. He is not happy unless he is pulling up...every second of every day. Although I am very EXCITED (!!!) he has accomplished this, it requires full time attention. No more checking my phone or email, washing dishes in the kitchen or going through the mail or a magazine while he plays. It requires my absolute attention or he gets hurt (or just really scared or upset that he is not standing anymore). He falls often once standing for a bit and the waterworks follow! You can check out the 3rd video of that :)

From a sitting position....

From his knees.....

The waterworks....

1 comment:

Meant to be a mom said...

Wow, what a big boy! He's doing so good. I just love to see babies learning new things and enjoying it.

Love the videos. What a doll baby :)