Wednesday, August 4, 2010

{What is Different?}

Can you tell what is different about Luke in this picture???

If you guessed 'pacifier' than you are right! After 5 months, Luke decided he likes his pacifier after all. A little too late to help with those first few months of fussiness and lack of sleep, but I guess we will take it. It happened a few nights ago when we were up with him at 2 am due to teething (arghh!). I was desperate to find something to help soothe him and saw a bowl full of pacifiers (that I tried for months for him to take) near the glider I was rocking him in. I thought "Why not?"...and low and behold he took it, was immediately comforted and fell fast asleep. I am being careful not to use it too much right now, but it has been very helpful during these crazy days of trying to grow a tooth!

1 comment:

Megs said...

Aiden has popped up two teeth within the past week and he is going through a heck of a time! Even running a slight fever :( He tends to just chew on his pacifier, which I guess provides a little relief to his poor little gums...