Wednesday, August 25, 2010

{Luke Finds a Friend at the Doctor}

Luke had his 6 month check-up today and all is well! He weighs 20 pounds and 3 ounces (90th percentile) and measuring 27 inches long (65th percentile). He has two teeth coming through on his bottom gums and is doing great with his gross motor skills since he is sitting up unassisted and already getting on all fours and rocking. The boy definitely wants to move! He got his vaccines as well, and once again, got a fever of 100.1 to go with it. Let's hope that goes away by tomorrow! Between his gums hurting due to those darn teeth and the fever, he has been one sad baby today.

Here is a video I had wanted to share from the doctor's office! While we were waiting for the doctor to come in, Luke was sitting on the exam table which has a mirror right next to it. I will let the video shows what happens, but lets just say that Luke found a friend!

1 comment:

Meant to be a mom said...

:) What a cute video. I'm glad his appointment went so good. He is one super cute little boy.